Monday, June 3, 2013

Fitness Tips for a Busy Mommy

I don't know about you but I feel like I'm almost constantly in a workout rut of some sort. I enjoy exercising and staying active but with a toddler on the loose sometimes its hard to find the time / energy during the day. Here are some tips for the busy mommy (and woman in general) that I have found help to make working out a habit.

  1. Make a goal - if you don't have something to work towards it will be almost impossible to make yourself run/walk/jog those 3 miles, hike that mountain, take a bike ride, etc. Your goal can be to simply enjoy the summer weather or it can be something a little more focused like losing 10 lbs. Whatever you choose for your goal, write it down and hang it somewhere you will notice it throughout the day
  2. Make a plan - Use a calendar to plan out your weekly/ monthly workout schedule. It is so much easier to get out the door when you have a plan in place, even if its just a walk around the block!
  3. Enlist a friend - exercising is so much more enjoyable and manageable when you have someone to do it with you. A friend will help to keep you motivated on those days when you just don't feel like getting out of bed. I have found that someone other than a spouse works best for a workout buddy. 
  4. Find your ideal habitat - Some people feel energized when they exercise outdoors, some prefer a gym, and others prefer to do home workouts. Decide which environment is the best for you and dive in! Take advantage of childcare at the gym or find a time to go when your spouse can watch the kids
  5. Start out small - I tend to bite off more than I can chew when I do decide to start working out. This mostly leads to exhaustion and lack of motivation. Starting out small is a good thing. Look back at your goal. If you want to run a half marathon next spring and have never run before maybe start out with some walking or slow jogs. 
  6. Don't make your baby an excuse - I tend to make my baby an excuse for why its too hard for me to exercise during the day. Don't do it! It is SO easy to exercise with your baby. Take advantage of nap times to do an online workout or some gentle yoga. If your baby is crying and hasn't been napping, get outside with the stroller and go on a walk/run. If your baby is feeding himself you can even take advantage of meal times to get in a quick workout sesh. If you live close to some good hiking trails, invest in a baby carrier so you can take your little one with you on some hikes
  7. Join a group/class! - Gina just started her annual Summer Shape up and it is a great way to meet your fitness goals! She provides weekly workouts, menus, and lots of encouragement along the way. Bonus - all of the workouts can be done at home with just a few props. There are also tons of fun giveaways! Sign up now for great workouts and amazing results. Other groups/classes to consider joining: yogabarre3, and stroller strides are just a few of the many venues available for staying active.
good luck mamas! 

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