Bentley's afternoon nap tends to be a little longer then the rest which gives me about an hour and a half to unwind. I take a nap, watch a show, or call a friend. I really try to use this time for me other then the house, that way I feel like I'm recharged and ready for the second part of the day!
I usually get a little time midmorning to myself whileAddy is napping and Madelyn is in roomtime. Most days though I use this time to finish getting ready for the day, start a crockpot dinner, clean up something, ect. But there is also typically an overlap in the girls' afternoon naps where I nap myself or read or blog or something. One thing I really want to start this summer with Madelyn is an independent reading time where we are all together in the same room but quietly reading our own books. She cannot read on her own yet but I still think it would be benificial for her to pretend read in her head/be able to look at the pictures quietly. Plus, the hope is that we will work up to 20-30 minutes or so and I will be able to read my own book without being interupted! I will let you know how this goes...
I take advantage of Lewis's afternoon nap to have time for myself. He usually naps for 2-2.5 hours so for the first part of his nap I work on cleaning up the house and for the second half I just do whatever I want: read, sew, blog, watch a show, nap, etc. I have found that I really need this time during the day to feel recharged. If Lewis doesn't take an afternoon nap for some reason I generally make time for myself after dinner when he is in bed.
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