Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Making time for God

When Leah, Hannah, and I started this blog we didn't just want it to be about activities, recipes, and products. Don't get me wrong those things are great and as you can tell we love telling you all our ideas on those topics! We however, also wanted to tell you all about our daily struggles as wives and moms. We wanted to be relatable and to show you that your not alone, that we all have flaws. With that being said, I think that it seems so hard sometimes to make time for God in our day to day routine. Sometimes I feel like I'm not have a genuine deep relationship with him because I'm not taking time out to do so in my busy, hectic, non-stop, chasing baby life! Lately I have been tyring a few new things to remind me to stop, give thanks, and talk to God. If you too feel like your struggling with this here are some things that have helped me.

The first one is sample, go to church! Ryan, my husband is a chef and it has always been hard to go to church. Now that we have Bentley it seems even harder. The one service that we can make it to with Ryan's schedule is the one right in the middle of Bentley's nap. unfortunately we have started using that as an excuse not to go. We recently had Bentley dedicated and we made a promise to God that we would do everything to raise Bentley in christian environment and we know that that includes going to church. Since then we have gone every week and yes it takes planing and changing Bentley's schedule a little but it is so worth it. Every time I leave church I feel energized and more connected with God.
Leah, Hannah, my sister, and Leah's sister-in-law started a long distance bible study at the beginning of the year and it has been amazing. All we had to do was read a few paragraphs each day and then at the end of the week answer 5 questions, easy enough, huh? Not for me! I had the book sitting on my night stand and it seemed in the morning I never had a chance to read it and by the time I got back in bed for the night I was too tired! I decided to put the book in the family room right by the TV remotes. When it was in the bedroom I never thought to go get it but now that it's right there in front of me I don't forget. When Bentley goes down for a nap and I go to turn on the TV I see my book and I'm reminded to do that first while it is quite and I have time to be alone with God. I challenge you to do this this week. Move your devotional, bible, or prayer journal, put it where you can see. Put it by the TV remotes, the computer, the place you are likely to spend your quite time and choose to put God first.
Make a worship Pandora station. Now I will admit that I don't always listen to worship music but when I do I fell more energized and as I sing along I can feel the Lords presence. It reminds me to stop and talk to God.
Talk to God with your kids. We are with our kids all the time, we have the ability to teach by example and to show them that God is always with us. They are never too young to learn this, teach them to pray and give thanks throughout the day.



  1. Thank you for this Tara, I love it!!

  2. I absolutely loved this post. Your ideas were wonderful and inspirational. Thank you for being open and honest with us.
