Friday, July 19, 2013

Baby Sensory Bin {rice cereal}

I have a really hard time coming up with activities for my 9 month old to do. So when I saw the idea somewhere on pinterest to use rice cereal in a sensory bin for baby, I was all over it. We had extra oatmeal cereal in our pantry since my daughter would never eat it when we offered it to her. So I grabbed our dry baby cereal, a small plastic tub, a few cups and some letters and headed outside.

I actually only ended up using one of the containers of cereal in the bin. I thought it was plenty and that way we can do the activity again!
Playing with the dry cereal by herself held her attention for ony 5-10 minutes.
I then stepped in and played with her. I showed her how you could pour the cereal from cup to cup, hid the letters underneath the surface or under a cup for her to find, ect. 
We also felt it with our toes.
We had a friend join us and I gave the girls a bowl of water to extend the activity.
They LOVED having the water! They played with it for a good 20 minutes by themselves while I chatted with my friend.
This one discovered that it was actually quite tastey when it turned into mush and so she had a nice after dinner snack.
I thought this activity was great! It was super cheap and entertaining. I think it would work with older kids too (my 4 year old wasn't there so I will be sure to include her next time). It is pretty messy so I would recommend doing this outside if possible. That way you won't be worried about the mess and you can let your little one mix and taste and throw as he pleases :)
Have any of you made a sensory bin for you baby? What did you put in it? My next idea is to use jello... I will let you know how that goes!

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