In the past few weeks I started noticing that Bentley was getting very frustrated when wanting more food, to be held, and other things that could not communicate to us other then screaming. I wasn't sure how to go about this because I didn't want him to think that I was giving in to his screaming demands but at the same time he didn't have another way to tell me anything. So my husband and I have started trying to teach Bentley some sign language. In just the past week I have already noticed a big change. When he wants more food and starts to scream I ask him "more?", sign it, wait for him to stop screaming, and give it to him. This only took a few days and now he doesn't even get to point where he wants to scream out for it. As soon as he's done with what is on his tray I ask and sign "more?" and he understands that more is coming even if it takes me a second or two to get it to him. In the next few days I will probably start helping him make the signs as well. I really wish I would have started earlier but better late then never!
Here are the signs we are learning:
xoxo- Tara
Pictures from
So great! We do this with Willow, though she kind of has her own version of signing. She signs "milk" for "thirsty" and puts out her hands like a question/shrug when she's "all done." "More" is like a clap. But, it's been so helpful! Even if it's not all "official" who cares? It's been working for us! Now we are working on "please" and "thank you."